Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Acrilyc & Oil Paintings Collection

«Inner Power»

«Inner Power» represents the power of believing in yourself and always being here for yourself. The power of being authentic and staying unique instead of following the crowd and society's rules. «Inner Power» is being brave to show how you really are with all your flaws without hesitation.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 60cm

Year of creation: 2021

«Still life #1»

This artwork is from home practicing oil paintings of still life.

Medium: Oil Colors on Canvas

Size: 30cm x 40cm

Year of creation: 2019

«A Window»

This artwork is from home practicing oil paintings of still life.

Medium: Oil Colors on Canvas

Size: 30cm x 50cm

Year of creation: 2019